Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology & Pain Board P.R.E.P. |

"How I Passed"
Ranger Comments: Preparation and Insights |
On Sep 26, 2017, at 1:14 PM, XXXXX wrote:
Dr. Jensen,
It is with much relief and elation that I write to inform you that I passed my oral board examination!
Big Red and the review course were crucial in my certification. If anyone was curious, I read Big Red twice and Big Blue twice, as well.
If ever help is needed, know that I am indebted to you and the program.
Thanks again,
Ranger XXXXX
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On Apr 22, 2017, at 9:47 PM, wrote:
Dr. Jensen,
Just a quick note to say I passed the orals! I really hit Big Red and the Spiels hard this time and it paid off.
That's it, no more ABA. A huge weight off of my shoulders for sure.
I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you did for me and what you do for hundreds of young doctors every year. Thank you.
Forever grateful,
XXXXX, MDXXXX AnesthesiaXXX Division
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On May 16, 2016, at 11:14 AM, XXXXX wrote:
Thank you! I received my results this morning and passed my oral exam. I know that it would not have been possible without Big Red and Ranger Red. As you know my flight was cancelled one time and nearly a second time as our captain called in sick for my flight to Raleigh and delayed the flight as they looked for a replacement.
I took a few hits in the first room but TED FARIOS and H.MOOVAD helped me avoid a direct hit. I had to put this behind me and concentrate on the second room which was a layup compared to your exams.
It is cloudy and raining today in Denver but my outlook is now sunny and bright. This Ranger is going home. Thank you, thank you, thank you.