Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology & Pain Board P.R.E.P. |
Ranger Comments: Preparation and Insights
On 11/29/16 12:05 AM, "XXXXX wrote:
Dr Jensen
Thank you.
The most recent changes for Pain Boards definitely is an improvement.
I had the pleasure of reviewing the pain yeller 10 years ago.
The addition(s) and updates were very helpful in passing my recert.
Best and more power to you. XXXXX
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On Nov 7, 2016, at 8:32 AM, XXXXX wrote:
Dear Dr. Jensen,
I just completed my recertification in Pain Medicine, and Big Yeller was a great help. I originally certified in Anesthesia and Pain in 2006, and have recertified in both again this year. Big Blue, Big Red and Big Yeller have all served me well as I am 4 for 4 on my boards. These will be a part of my permanent library for sure.
The recertification pain exam was much different since the original exam in 2006, with the focus skewed towards pharmacology and rehabilitative care as opposed to interventional therapies. There were many questions on 'the next step" in care as opposed to diagnosis. Hope this helps future rangers, and thanks for your service.
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Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 12:15:30 -0400
Dr Jensen,
I wanted to extend a huge thank you to you and Dr Cataldi. I just found out that I passed my boards and I am ecstatic! Like everyone else, I am working long, long days and the only time I had to study was in the car while I was commuting to and from work. I took advantage of this time and listened to Audio Yeller for the pain boards...over and over and over again. All in all, I listened to your tapes at least four times from beginning to end. This was invaluable to my studying .
I also attended the course in Chicago, which was incredible! Dr Cataldi was a great moderator in helping us navigate our way through all of the material and questions. There must have been at least 10-15 questions on the exam that was covered in the course.
I will recommend your course to anyone studying for the pain boards! It definitely made the difference in helping me pass.