Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology & Pain Board P.R.E.P. |
Rangers may find some of my papers useful for Boards. I have gathered writings of a clinical
nature as they may be relevant to preparation. (In some cases, figures have been excluded
secondary to difficulties related to reproduction.) Click on topics of interest.
Clinical Papers Authored or Co-Authored by Dr. Jensen
Jensen NF, Benumof JL: The difficult airway in head and neck tumor surgery.
Anesthesiology Clinics of North America, 3: 11, 475-511.
Jensen NF, Weiler, JM: C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency, airway
compromise, and anesthesia.
Anesth Analg, 87, 480-88.
Jensen NF: Arytenoid injury and subluxation in anesthetic practice.
Am J Anesthesiology, 22:3, 145-148.
Endotracheal Tube and Burns
Jensen NF, Kealey GP: Securing an endotracheal tube in the presence of
facial burns or instability.
Anesth Analg 75: 641-642.
Glomus Tumors of the Head and Neck
Jensen NF: Glomus tumors of the head and neck: Anesthetic considerations.
Anesth Analg, 78:1, 112-119.
Head and Neck Surgery and Central Catheters
Jensen NF, Todd MM, Block RI, Hegtvedt, RL, McCulloch, TM:
The efficacy of routine central venous monitoring in major head and
neck surgery: A retrospective review.
J Clin Anesth, 7:2, 119-125.
Laser Fire
Wegrzynowicz, ES, Jensen NF, Pearson KS, Wachtel RE, and Scamman
FL: Airway fire during jet ventilation for laser ablation of vocal cord papalomata.
Anesthesiology 76; 468-469.
Porphyria and Anesthesia
Jensen NF, Fiddler, DS, Striepe, V: Anesthetic considerations in porphyrias.
Anesth Analg, 80: 591-599.
Quality in Anesthesia
Jensen NF, Tinker JH: Quality in medical care: Lessons from industry
and a proposal for valid measurement and improvement.
Quality Performance and Quality Health Care 1:(3) 138-153.