Big Blue is a detailed set of notes tightly
focused on key words, and old or remembered questions. Home study is crucial
to success! You must be working consistently hard at home on a well-focused
study program to maximize your performance in the examination room. General
reading is important but must be combined with focused study of both topics
tested and key words. Big Blue is organized
into about 70 separate chapters and provides this focus, bringing under one
roof what you need to significantly boost your score and pass the Written
examination. Following the presentation of essential information in each chapter
are key words from the last several years that pertain to each topic. There
are over 500 of the most important, repetitive key words placed in appropriate
sections of Big Blue.
Price $560
Sample Chapter from Big Blue
Audio Blue is Big Blue read and discussed by
Dr Jensen in audio format, available on 25 CDs
or cassettes. Remember how valuable it was to listen to a tape of "Organic
Chemistry" as you re-read the class notes? How much was missed initially and
then regained through listening? Audio Blue is
a companion to Big Blue, allowing you to coordinate time spent reading with
time spent listening, all focused on the single goal of making the Written
Board exam, when you encounter it, seem familiar.
Price $650
Baby Blue is an
adjunct to Big Blue. It covers huge territory
in terms of essential facts and concepts that recur year after year on the
Written examination. Easy to carry and use in the form of cards in a small
zip-up binder, Baby Blue may prove vital to
your overall strategy for victory. It is especially useful for on-the-go or
last minute review.
Price: $250
Sample Card from Baby Blue

Ranger Blue contains
lectures and special topics especially crucial for Written Board preparation.
Topics covered include some of the most important, namely Arterial Blood Gas
Analysis, Endocrine, Monitoring, Airway-Head and Neck, and Equations. The
Lock-n-Load notes and tape (see below) are especially valuable since virtually
all are tested on the Written Board examination. Ranger Blue
includes six auditory tape cassettes or 6 CDs.
Some people are auditory learners and others find the audio tapes allow them to
utilize "wasted time", namely driving to and from work.
Price: $250
