Dr. Jensen Anesthesiology Board P.R.E.P. |
The process and pathway to Board certification can be straight or
circuitous. When complicated by time delay or failure at any
juncture, things can become confusing. The Board is not much help,
their document explaining the process incomplete and confusing.
This diagram is intended to simplify and explain the process. If
you have any questions, feel free to email me at
| Niels F. Jensen, M.D. | |
Anesthesiology Board PREP |
Post-graduate Review and Educational Programs |
The Best Medicine for Your Oral and Written Boards: Books-Courses |
235 Lexington Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52246 |
800-321-PREP (7737) | 319-337-3700 | FAX: 319-341-9818 |
http://www.boardprep.com | email: njensen@anesthesiologyboards.com |